ISSN 2304-1226 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Psychology». 2022. Vol 40

Resourceful Thinking as a Key Competence of a Teacher in the Context of Digitalization of Educational Environment

M. M. Kashapov, N. V. Surina, A. S. Kashapov
The article considers resourceful thinking as a key competence of a teacher for the first time in scientific literature. Resourceful thinking is defined as metacognitive ability to become aware and utilize as many external and internal resources for solving a particular task as possible. This competence is viewed from the standpoint of a subject-action approach. The author gives the rationale for considering resourceful thinking as a key competence of a teacher. The correlation of resourceful thinking of a teacher and certain personality traits has been revealed with the help of the author’s technique. Based on a meta-systemic approach, for the first time resourceful thinking of a teacher has been viewed as a meta-resource allowing for managing pedagogical activities using one’s individual resources to the full, as well as opportunities of digitalization of educational environment.
About the Authors

Kashapov Mergalyas Mergalimovich, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, Head, Department of Pedagogy and Educational Psychology, P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, 14, Sovetskaya st., Yaroslavl,150003, Russian Federation, e-mail: smk007@bk.ru

Surina Natalya Vitalievna, Postgraduate, Department Pedagogy and Educational Psychology, P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, 14, Sovetskaya st., Yaroslavl, 150003, Russian Federation, e-mail:nata.surina.hello@gmail.com

Kashapov Artyom Sergeevich, Candidate of Sciences (Psychology), Associate Professor, Department Pedagogy and Educational Psychology, P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, 14, Sovetskaya st., Yaroslavl, 150003, Russian Federation, e-mail: yarmirko@mail.ru

For citation
Kashapov M.M., Surina N.V., Kashapov A.S. Resourceful Thinking as a Key Competence of a Teacher in the Context of Digitalization of Educational Environment. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Psychology, 2022, vol. 40, pp. 18-30. https://doi.org/10.26516/2304-1226.2022.40.18 (in Russian)
resource, resourcefulness, resourceful thinking, pedagogical activities, teacher, competence

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