ISSN 2304-1226 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Psychology». 2022. Vol 39

Academic Achievement and Musical Preferences Depending on Anxiety Level of Medical University Students during an Examination Period

E. B. Knyazev, E. V. Vysotskaya, D. G. Chernikova, L.V. Dolgova
The level of situational anxiety of medical students is known to increase during an examination period. Nevertheless, there is no agreement concerning the correlation of anxiety and academic achievement. The study shows that anxiety has a positive influence on student academic performance contrary to popular belief that it has a negative effect. It also shows that medical students’ academic excellence during their examination period proves to correlate with their musical preferences. Those medical students who prefer classical music and reggae tend to get full marks in examinations. The students preferring rap and rock music generally showed the knowledge rated as «satisfactory». After an examination period 10 % of students who prefer rock music and rated «good» experience the increase of anxiety level.
About the Authors

Knyazev Evgeny Borisovich, Candidate of Sciences (Psychology), Senior Lecturer, Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky, 112, Bolshaya Kazachia st., Saratov, 410012, Russian Federation, e-mail: eknyaze@gmail.com

Vysotskaya Elena Valer`evna, Senior Lecturer, Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky, 112, Bolshaya Kazachia st., Saratov, 410012, Russian Federation, e-mail: solo8@mail.ru

Chernikova Darya Georgievna, Student, Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky, 112, Bolshaya Kazachia st., Saratov, 410012, Russian Federation, e-mail: darya_chernikova_1998@mail.ru

Dolgova Ludmila Vladimirovna, Student, Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky, 112, Bolshaya Kazachia st., Saratov, 410012, Russian Federation, e-mail: dolgova.lyuda2000@mail.ru

For citation
Knyazev E.B., Vysotskaya E.V., Chernikova D.G., Dolgova L.V. Academic Achievement and Musical Preferences Depending on Anxiety Level of Medical University Students during an Examination Period. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Psychology, 2022, vol. 39, pp. 3-18. https://doi.org/10.26516/2304-1226.2022.39.3 (in Russian)
anxiety, examination period, academic achievement, musical preferences, medical students.

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