ISSN 2304-1226 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Psychology». 2023. Vol 43

The Correlation of the Terms “Social and Perceptual Images” and “Social Attitudes”

A. A. Strelenko
The article is concerned with the correlation of the concepts “social and perceptual images” and “social attitudes”. The study was aimed at searching for the similarities among the constituents of basic research construct, the correlation between the concepts “social and perceptual images” and “social attitudes”. The study has found that the “social and perceptual images” category includes social attitudes, and the “social attitudes” category contains elements of social and perceptual images. This intersection will be observed in such meta-psychological categories as consciousness and activity. Being fundamental system categories “social and perceptual images” and “social attitudes” may have some effect on other system categories acting as social and perceptual determination.
About the Authors
Strelenko Anna Anatolyevna, Candidate of Sciences (Psychology), Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov, 33, Moskovskiy ave., Vitebsk, 210038, Republic of Belarus, Doctoral Candidate, Belarusian State University, 4, Nezavisimost ave., Minsk, 220030, Republic of Belarus, e-mail: strelenko@list.ru
For citation
Strelenko A.A. The Correlation of the Terms “Social and Perceptual Image” and “Social Attitudes”. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Psychology, 2023, vol. 43, pp. 93-106. https://doi.org/10.26516/2304-1226.2023.43.93 (in Russian)
social and perceptual images, social attitudes, interpersonal perception, cognitive components, regulative component, conative component.

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