ISSN 2304-1226 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Psychology». 2020. Vol. 34

Model of Description of Subjective Pain Experience Based on Autobiographical Memories about It

A. I. Chuloshnikov

The paper examines a systematic description of pain as a subjective phenomenon, and suggests the model to describe this experience in a full and systematic manner. Methodological problems of present day researches of pain related to fixation on subjective phenomenology have been articulated. A possible set of phenomenological parameters of pain has been suggested on the basis of findings of empirical studies making grounds for theoretical basis for description of a subjective perception of pain. The content of autobiographical memories about pain has been proposed to be used as a methodological approach enabling to study subjective nature of pain experience. On the basis of stories about pain handled with the help of content analysis a model of systematic description of pain is composed based on a theoretical model of a systematic description of psyche by V. A. Ganzen.

About the Authors

Chuloshnikov Alexey Igorevich, Medical Psychologist, Regional Psychotherapeutic Center, 20, Heroes of Khasan st., Perm, 614010, Russian Federation; Postgraduate, Perm State National Research University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russian Federation, e-mail: sintekatzy@rambler.ru

For citation

Chuloshnikov A.I. Model of Description of Subjective Pain Experience Based on Autobiographical Memories about It. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Psychology, 2020, vol. 34, pp. 86-100. https://doi.org/10.26516/2304-1226.2020.34.86 (in Russian)

pain, autobiographical memories, theory of mind, subjective nature of pain, pain experience

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