ISSN 2304-1226 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Psychology». 2020. Vol. 32

Experience of Using “Friendly Caricature of the City Mayor” Technique in Studying Citizens’ Attitude towards Regional Policymakers

T. V. Semenova

The technique is intended to reveal a level of benevolence in relations of a group of people towards a particular person. The subjects are asked to draw a humorous drawing of the person to whom the attitude is being studied. Every drawing is assessed against 11 criteria by assigning standard points. In 2002 and 2019 the attitude of Samara citizens towards the mayor and governor was studied. The study revealed that present-day local authorities are treated more benevolently than the former ones. The governor enjoys a positive attitude which is more diverse in content compared to the mayor. The dynamics of the change in the consciousness of city people identified with the help of a “Friendly caricature of the city mayor” technique (using standard points) substantiates constructive and ecological validity of the technique used and demonstrates advantages of humor used as a tool in social and psychological study.

About the Authors

Semenova Tatyana Veniaminovna, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of General and Social Psychology, Samara State Social and Educational University, 65/67, M. Gorky st., Samara, 443099, Russian Federation, e-mail: semenova@pgsga.ru

For citation

Semenova T.V. Experience of Using “Friendly Caricature of the City Mayor” Technique in Studying Citizens’ Attitude towards Regional Policymakers. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Psychology, 2020, vol. 32, pp. 59-72. https://doi.org/10.26516/2304-1226.2020.32.59 (in Russian)

human relations diagnosis, humor, city people’s consciousness, urban mentality, group consciousness

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