ISSN 2304-1226 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Psychology». 2019. Vol. 29

Basic Needs as a Basis for Primary Prevention of Drug Addiction

S. S. Kanavina

Information is provided on the prevalence of risk groups in educational institutions and the increase in the share of synthetic drug use. The results of the author’s study of the first drug test are presented, as a result of which two main factors of involvement in drug addiction were established: interest in the action of psychoactive substances and a desire to be part of the group. Also, as a practical novelty, data on gender and age differences between groups of drug users are presented, the nature of the need for new information is revealed through an orientation-research reflex necessary for survival in the environment. The necessity nature of the factors of involvement in drug addiction, as well as their common basis basis, is shown. Based on this, a scheme of the synergetic mechanism of the individual psychological need for information and the socio-psychological need for belonging to the group for conducting effective preventive classes, in particular, using the film-prevention method, was determined.

About the Authors

Kanavina Sofiya Sergeevna, Postgraduate, Irkutsk State University, 1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation, e-mail: sofia.kanavina@yandex.ru

For citation

Kanavina S.S. Basic Needs as a Basis for Primary Prevention of Drug Addiction. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Psychology, 2019, vol. 29, pp. 14-29. https://doi.org/10.26516/2304-1226.2019.29.14 (in Russian)

drug addiction, primary prevention of drug addiction, basic needs, film-prevention

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