ISSN 2304-1226 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Psychology». 2019. Vol. 27

The Great Patriotic War Experience as a Factor for Developing Spiritual and Moral Reference Points of Modern Psychologists

Y. N. Oleynik, M. D. Nyagolova

The article examines the experience of Soviet psychologists during the Great Patriotic War and the lessons learned. The analysis of the work of psychologists during the Great Patriotic War enabled the author to emphasize the importance of the following grounds for psychologists’ practicing and training: precedence of civic consciousness over career interests; complexity of one’s world view and ensuring balance between theoretical and practical developing of scientific issues; precedence of humanistic, and moral and ethical values in psychologist’s professional activity over his or her scientific interests; developing scientific knowledge in psychology on the basis of the life experience. The material presented justifies urgency of the historical and psychological research to develop the system of education and training of young scientists.

About the Authors

Oleinik Yuri Nikolaevich, Candidate of Sciences (Psychology), Head, Department of General Psychology and History of Psychology, Moscow University for the Humanities, 5, Yunost` st., Moscow,111395, Russian Federation, e-mail: yurii03@mail.ru 

Nyagolova Mariyana Dimitrova, Candidate of Sciences (Psychology), Associate Professor of History of Psychology, University of Veliko Tarnovo «St. Cyril and St. Methodius», 2, Theodosyi Turnovsky st., Veliko Tarnovo, 5003, Bulgaria, e-mail: mdnyagolova@mail.bg

For citation

Oleynik Y. N., Nyagolova M. D. The Great Patriotic War Experience as a Factor for Developing Spiritual and Moral Reference Points of Modern Psychologists. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Psychology, 2019, vol. 27, pp. 82-88. https://doi.org/10.26516/2304-1226.2019.27.82 (in Russian)

history of psychology, Soviet psychology, Great Patriotic War, humanistic values, unity of theory and practice, historical lessons, scientific traditions, continuity

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Full text (russian)