ISSN 2304-1226 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Psychology». 2018. Vol. 24

The Use of «Child Hopelessness Scale» Test in Validation of the Screening Test of Adolescents’ Suicidal Behavior

K. N. Belogai, J. V. Borisenko, E. V. Evseenkova, E. S. Kagan, I. S. Morozova
The paperbrings forward the results of validation of original projective technique «Tupikovye situatsii» (lose-lose situations) developed for adolescents’ screening testing. According to the results of the dispersion analysis the technique under discussion can prove helpful in detecting suicidal behavior among adolescents. The authors described the process of validation of the «Child Hopelessness Scale» test, and showed its high correlations with depression check lists by A. Beck and W. Zung on the sampling of Russian adolescents aged 11–17. The authors described the factors of adolescents’ suicidal behavior: those predisposed and indirectly related to a suicide biological ones, such as gender and sexual identity psychoactive substance abuse, access to a firearm or the other kind of weapon, social stress and emotional factors.
For citation:
Belogai K.N., Borisenko J.V., Evseenkova E.V., Kagan E.S., Morozova I.S. The Use of «Child Hopelessness Scale» Test in Validation of the Screening Test of Adolescents’ Suicidal Behavior. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Psychology, 2018, vol. 24, pp. 3-22. https://doi.org/10.26516/2304-1226.2018.24.3 (in Russian)
adolescent suicide, risk factors, prevention, «Child Hopelessness Scale», «Tupikovye situatsii» (lose-lose situations), screening testing

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