ISSN 2304-1226 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Psychology». 2023. Vol 45

Targeted Subjective Activity as a Factor of Activation of Human Health Resources in the Health Care System

V. V. Semikin, A. I. Anisimov
The issue of the use of opportunities of a targeted subjective activity of a person to manage his or her own health within the state public health system is becoming extremely important nowadays. Based on the theoretical study and author’s own empirical and experimental studies the following conclusions have been made: to create a functioning system of state control over public health with optimal including of internal contour it is necessary to construct a methodological basis giving reasons for an opportunity to realize a targeted subjective activity on the part of a certain person; a central part of an internal contour of one’s own health management is a targeted subjective activity of a person that serves as a main means of health maintaining and is realized through activation of person’s vital resources.
About the Authors

Semikin Viktor Vasilyevich, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, Senior Researcher, Sector for Social and Psychological Research, Scientific Center for Arctic Studies, 20, Respublikа st., Salekhard, 629008, Russian Federation, e-mail: semikin_v@mail.ru

Anisimov Aleksey Igorevich, Candidate of Sciences (Psychology), Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology, Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work, 13А, 12 Liniya Vasilievskogo Ostrova st., Saint Petersburg, 199178, Russian Federation, e-mail: aai101@mail.ru

For citation
Semikin V.V., Anisimov A.I. Targeted Subjective Activity as a Factor of Activation of Human Health Resources in the Health Care System. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Psychology, 2023, vol. 45, pp. 55–69. https://doi.org/10.26516/2304-1226.2023.45.55 (in Russian)
state health care system, health management system, internal contour of health management, targeted subjective activity, multilevel self-regulation system, health resources activation.

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