ISSN 2304-1226 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Psychology». 2022. Vol 42

The Experimental Study of the Possibility to Optimize Psychophysiological State of a Person in Arctic Conditions

V. V. Semikin, T. L. Popova, R. A. Kochkin, O. Y. Mezhina
The article gives theoretical grounds and experimental confirmation of the possibility to resist severe climatic conditions of the Far North with the help of a focused and structured activity of a person aimed at developing his own self-regulatory mechanisms and improvement of adaptation capabilities. The experimental study has found noteworthy positive changes of certain indices of psychophysiological state of a person after a long-term shaping exposure at three basic levels – physiological, psychophysiological, and psychic. These findings suggest that there are methods and techniques contributing to improving adaptation capacity and vitality of a person, and thus helping residents of the Far North resist severe extreme natural conditions.
About the Authors

Semikin Viktor Vasilyevich, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, Head, Social and Psychological Research Sector, Research Department, Scientific Center for Arctic Studies, 20, Republicа st., Salekhard, 629008, Russian Federation, e-mail: semikin_v@mail.ru

Popova Tatiana Leontievna, Research Scientist, Social and Psychological Research Sector, Research Department, Scientific Center for Arctic Studies, 20, Republicа st., Salekhard, 629008, Russian Federation, e-mail: popova-nadym@yandex.ru

Kochkin Ruslan Alekseevich, Senior Research Scientist, Social and Psychological, Research Sector, Research Department, Scientific Center for Arctic Studies, 20, Republicа st., Salekhard, 629008, Russian Federation, e-mail: kochkin25011983@mail.ru

Mezhina Olga Yuryevna, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Senior Research Scientist, Social and Psychological, Research Sector, Research Department, Scientific Center for Arctic Studies, 20, Republicа st., Salekhard, 629008, Russian Federation, e-mail: mezhinaolga@gmail.ru

For citation
Semikin V.V., Popova T.L., Kochkin R.A., Mezhina O.Y. The Experimental Study of the Possibility to Optimize Psychophysiological State of a Person in Arctic Conditions. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Psychology, 2022, vol. 42, pp. 76-93. https://doi.org/10.26516/2304-1226.2022.42.76 (in Russian)
psychophysiological state, natural conditions, extreme factors, adaptation resources, vitality, psychophysical training, well-being, health education.

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