ISSN 2304-1226 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Psychology». 2021. Vol. 36

Discrimination of Three Kinds of Visual Stimuli by Slow-Worm Lizards (Anguis fragilis)

R. V. Zhelankin, I. G. Skotnikova, L. A. Selivanova

Visual abilities to discriminate between spatial and color stimuli was studied, which is ecologically significant for reptiles. Namely: the behavior of slow-warm lizards in a Tshaped maze was investigated in visual discrimination between red and green color tones and sizes of geometric figures of a round shape. The main behavioral characteristics of decisionmaking were analyzed when choosing between possible options: a percentage of erroneous choices, time of choice and a number of lizards’ turns towards alternative ways in the maze, leading to comparable stimuli, before choosing one of them. In case of color discrimination, all the three named behavior characteristics were minimal, while in case of the figures sizes discrimination these values were higher. Thus, discrimination of red and green colors was more successful and less difficult than discrimination of round-shaped geometric figures sizes in the lizards.

About the Authors

Zhelankin Roman Viktorovich, Junior Research Scientist, All-Russian Research Institute – of Integrated Fish Farming Branch of Federal Research Center for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member L. K. Ernst, 24, Sergeev st., Vorovsky settl, Noginsky district, Moscow region, 142460, Russian Federation, e-mail: zhelankin86@mail.ru

Skotnikova Irina Grigorevna, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Leading Researcher Institute of Psychology RAS, 13, Yaroslavskaya st., Moscow, 129366, Russian Federation, e-mail: iris236@ya.ru

Selivanova Liubov Andreevna, Candidate of Sciences (Psychology), Junior Research Scientist, A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS, 33, Leninsky Prospect, Moscow, 119071, Russian Federation, e-mail: lyubov.selivanova@gmail.com

For citation

Zhelankin R.V., Skotnikova I.G., Selivanova L.A. Discrimination of three kinds of visual stimuli by slow-worm lizards (Anguis fragilis). The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Psychology, 2021, vol. 36, pp. 16-37. https://doi.org/10.26516/2304-1226.2021.36.16 (in Russian)

decision making, visual discrimination, reptiles’ behavior, lizards, T-maze.

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