ISSN 2304-1226 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Psychology». 2020. Vol. 32

Manifestation of the Subjective Attitude to Nature in the Self-Concept of Personality: on the Example of Russians Living in Yakutia

N. D. Eliseeva

The relevance of the study is due to the increasing importance of the ecological consciousness of people in the modern world. In this perspective, the traditional experience of peoples who have preserved their subjective attitude to the natural world today is particularly valuable. The mentality of the indigenous peoples of Yakutia is characterized by an attitude to nature as a living being. The article focuses on the traditional values of the indigenous peoples of Yakutia, reflected in the self-concept of representatives of other peoples of the republic living in the same climatic, geographical and socio-cultural conditions. The sample of the study consists of russians living in Yakutia. It is revealed that the most pronounced categories of their self-concept are personal, professional and family identity. Identity with the natural world is represented in the self-concept of personality, but does not take the leading positions in terms of expression. At the same time, the most frequently mentioned characteristics are personality qualities due to the harsh climatic conditions of Yakutia.

About the Authors

Eliseeva Natalia Dmitrievna, Candidate of Sciences (Psychology), Deputy Director, Center of Social-Psychological Support to the Family and Youth, 21, Kalandarishvili st., Yakutsk, 677013, Russian Federation; Doctoral Student, Institute of Psychology RAS, 13, Yaroslavskaya st., Moscow, 129366, Russian Federation, e-mail: Eliseeva_n_d@mail.ru

For citation

Eliseeva N.D. Manifestation of the Subjective Attitude to Nature in the Self-Concept of Personality: on the Example of Russians Living in Yakutia. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Psychology, 2020, vol. 32, pp. 17-30. https://doi.org/10.26516/2304-1226.2020.32.17 (in Russian)

self-concept, climatic and geographical conditions, identity with nature, Yakutia, russian

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