ISSN 2304-1226 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Psychology». 2018. Vol. 26

Current Status of the Problem of Measuring Internet Addicted Behavior

A. P. Karabanov, D. M. Sharkovsky

The present study is the first theoretical stage of developing the method of measuring Internet addicted behavior. The question of measuring Internet addicted behavior has been raised, general understanding of Internet addiction and evaluation criteria of this disorder have been considered. The authors compared the most popular techniques for Internet addiction assessment and concluded that they were of low efficiency. A brief informative analysis has been provided for the most frequently used method of assessment of Internet addiction, which has led to the conclusion that terms and behavioral indicators used for disorder assessment are out of date. The authors discussed the idea of a new method of Internet addiction assessment based on R.A. Davis’s two-factor model. The authors suggested the criteria of Internet addicted behavior taking into account specificity of modern Internet use and basic types of Internet activity.

About the Authors

Karabanov Artem Petrovich, Lecturer, Department of Differential Psychology and Psychophysiology, Russian State University for Humanities, 6, Miusskaya sq., Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation, e-mail: pacaraban01@gmail.com 

Sharkovsky David Mikhailovich, Student, Russian State University for the Humanities, 6, Miusskaya sq., Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation, e-mail: loup.di.steppa@gmail.com

For citation

Karabanov A. P., Sharkovsky D. M. Current Status of the Problem of Measuring Internet Addicted Behavior. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Psychology, 2018, vol. 26, pp. 53-62. https://doi.org/10.26516/2304-1226.2018.26.53 (in Russian)

Internet addiction, Internet, addiction

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Full text (russian)